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Follow for the Book of Matthew

Month 1:

Matthew 1-3

Introduction to Jesus’ genealogy and birth (Chapter 1).

  1. – The ministry of John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus (Chapter 3).
  2. Month 2: Chapters 4-6
    – Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness (Chapter 4).
    – Sermon on the Mount, including the Beatitudes and teachings on prayer (Chapter 5-6).
  3. Month 3: Chapters 7-9
    – Jesus’ teachings on judgment and the Golden Rule (Chapter 7).
    – Miracles of healing, including the healing of the centurion’s servant (Chapter 8-9).
  4. Month 4: Chapters 10-12
    – Jesus sends out the twelve disciples (Chapter 10).
    – Controversies with the Pharisees, including teachings on the Sabbath (Chapter 12).
  5. Month 5: Chapters 13-15
    – Parables of the Kingdom, including the parable of the sower (Chapter 13).
    – Feeding the 5000 and debates with the Pharisees (Chapter 14-15).
  6. Month 6: Chapters 16-18
    – Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Christ (Chapter 16).
    – Teachings on humility and forgiveness (Chapter 18).
  7. Month 7: Chapters 19-21
    – Teachings on marriage and divorce (Chapter 19).
    – Triumphal entry into Jerusalem and clearing of the temple (Chapter 21).
  8. Month 8: Chapters 22-24
    – Parables, including the parable of the wedding feast (Chapter 22).
    – Olivet Discourse, discussing the end times (Chapter 24).
  9. Month 9: Chapters 25-27
    – Parables of the wise and foolish virgins and talents (Chapter 25).
    – Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, and burial (Chapter 26-27).
  10. Month 10: Chapters 28
    – Resurrection of Jesus and the Great Commission (Chapter 28).

Follow for the Book of Mark

  Month 1

Mark 1-3

– Introduction of John the Baptist.
– Baptism and temptation of Jesus.
– Jesus calls his first disciples.

2. Month 2: Mark 4-6
– Parables of the sower and mustard seed.
– Jesus calms the storm.
– Feeding the 5000.

3. Month 3: Mark 7-9
– Teachings on clean and unclean.
– Healing of the Syrophoenician woman’s daughter.
– Transfiguration.

4. Month 4: Mark 10-12
– Teachings on divorce and the rich young ruler.
– Jesus predicts his death.
– Parable of the wicked tenants.

5. Month 5: Mark 13-16
– Olivet Discourse about the end times.
– Anointing at Bethany.
– Last Supper and Gethsemane.
– Trial, crucifixion, and resurrection.

Follow for the Book of Luke

           Month 1

          Luke 1-4

   – The birth of John the Baptist.

   – Annunciation and birth of Jesus.

   – Temptation of Jesus in the wilderness.

   – Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee.

  1. Month 2: Luke 5-8

   – Calling of the first disciples.

   – Jesus heals a paralyzed man.

   – Parable of the sower.

   – Calming the storm on the sea.

  1. Month 3: Luke 9-12

   – Sending out of the twelve apostles.

   – Feeding the 5000.

   – Peter’s confession of Christ.

   – Teachings on prayer and the kingdom.

  1. Month 4: Luke 13-16

   – Parables of the mustard seed and leaven.

   – Healing on the Sabbath.

   – Parables of the lost sheep and prodigal son.

  1. Month 5: Luke 17-24

   – Teachings on forgiveness and faith.

   – Zacchaeus the tax collector.

   – Last Supper and Gethsemane.

   – Trial, crucifixion, and resurrection.

Follow for the Book of John

    Month 1:

John 1-4

   – The pre-existence of the Word.

   – John the Baptist’s testimony.

   – Jesus’ first disciples.

   – Turning water into wine.

  1. Month 2: John 5-8

   – Healing at the pool of Bethesda.

   – Feeding the 5000.

   – Jesus walking on water.

   – The woman caught in adultery.

  1. Month 3: John 9-12

   – Healing the man born blind.

   – Jesus as the Good Shepherd.

   – Triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

   – Jesus predicts his death.

  1. Month 4: John 13-16

   – Jesus washes the disciples’ feet.

   – The Last Supper.

   – Jesus’ farewell discourse.

   – The promise of the Holy Spirit.

  1. Month 5: John 17-21

   – Jesus’ high priestly prayer.

   – Betrayal and arrest.

   – Trial, crucifixion, and burial.

   – Resurrection appearances and commission to disciples.






Prayer? can it heal my thoughts?

My dear friends, today I want to talk to you about the importance of prayer in healing our thoughts. Our minds are powerful tools that

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